Friday, October 5, 2018

Fitness Classes - Sliema Local Council

Fitness classes will be held in conjunction with Kunsill Malti Ghall-Isport starting on the 23rd October until May 2019.

Days: Every Tuesday
Time: 1730hrs to 1845hrs
Place: Sliema Government School hall

To apply kindly go on this link:
If you are 60+ you can come and fill in an application form at the Sliema Local Council

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Informative talk on Bipolar Awareness

Be Positive Bipolar Self-Help Malta

Informative talk on Bipolar condition and its symptoms

Saturday 6 October - 10am at Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema

Contact: ​


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Victory!! 38 storey tower back to the drawing board

Today the EPRT did not approve the construction of a 38-storey Gasan Townsquare tower in Sliema and developers have to resubmit plans. It had policy infringements, incomplete impact assessment studies and objections by Sliema Local Council, ENGOs, ERA and residents.

On another note we are also requesting a proper evaluation of the proposed development of the Fort Cambridge 40-storey tower just up the road in Sliema. We will keep up the struggle to defend residents' quality of life.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Planning Authority yet to decide on scheduling of Fort Cambridge officers’ mess

Malta Today's James Debono writes about Sliema Local Council's request to schedule the Fort Cambridge officers' mess, which is under consideration at the Planning Authority. Developers have proposed a 40-storey tower on site.

Read the article here:

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Lessons in Maltese and English Reading and Writing for Primary Level Students

 Lessons in Maltese and English Reading and Writing for Primary Level Students (Maltese and foreign).
  • Each course is made up of 5 two hour lessons.
  • Emphasis will be given to both reading and writing in both languages.
  • Pupils will be put in groups according to their age.
  • The lessons will be held  at the Sliema Primary School.
  • Qualified and experienced teachers.
  • Handouts will be provided for free.
  • Children who attend Summer School will be taken from their classes by the teachers and taken back to class by said teachers.
  • The dates of the lessons would be 12th, 19th, 26th July, 2nd August and 9th August
  • The course fee is €20 per child                                                                                                                                    
Anyone interested in sending his child is kindly requested to fill in the form below and submit it together with the payment at the Sliema Local Council by not later than Thursday 28th June 2018. 
Name of Student _______________________
School __________________________
Academic year the student has just finished _________________
Mobile number of a parent or guardian of the student ___________

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Townsquare appeal decision on 3 May

The Townsquare appeal decision will be read on 3rd May 2018 at 13.00

The venue will be the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal - further down the road from the Planning Authority.

Sliema Local Council, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, the Ramblers Association and the Qui si-Sana and Tigne' Residents association had appealed against the PA decision to approve development of a 38 storey highrise.

Friday, February 23, 2018

40-storey highrise public consultation: Sliema Local Council Feedback

Text below represents the official feedback of the Sliema Local Council to the Environment Resources Authority for public consultation on Fort Cambridge development which closes on 23 February. To see documents in good size, please save and enlarge.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

40-storey highrise public consultation: Civil Society Network feedback

Text below represents the official feedback of Civil Society Network to the Environment Resources Authority for public consultation which closes on 23 February.
Public Consultation - 40 storey Highrise (Fort Cambridge) PA 02906/16 - Site at, Triq Tigne c/w, Triq Il- Ponta Ta' Dragut, Sliema, #Malta
To: - EIA Team, Environment & Resources Authority
From: Civil Society Network
Copied to Press
1. A social impact assessment is required. The International Association for Impact Assessment produced guidelines for social impact assessments suggest that an SIA is the process of analysing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions and any social change processes invoked by those interventions. Social impacts under assessment should include all those things relevant to people’s everyday life. This may include one’s culture, community, political context, environment, health, well-being, personal and property rights as well as fears and aspirations. The SIA should not be a one-off exercise and should include both quantitative and qualitative research methods. It should include the consideration of reasonable alternatives to development proposals as well as comparative analysis of similar development proposals and related good or bad practices. Analytic indicators should be provided and the entire process should be subject to peer review by independent experts in the field.
2. An impact assessment of dust and other
pollution is required
3. A sewage impact assessment is required.
4. Direct Shading Analysis: All EPS models show that Tigne Street will be in perpetual darkness. Regulations 2016 / L.N. 227 of 2016 state that "In streets or open spaces which are wider than three meters but less than or equal to fifteen metres, the overall height of the façade should not exceed three times the width of the street..." The average width of Triq Tigne in relation to the development site is 12.7m to 15m. Therefore, in line with L.N. 277/16, the maximum height onto the street is to be three times as much, which amounts to 45m: proposed tower block is of 136m. Additional floors are only permitted if " adequate setbacks from the building alignment of the façade are introduced."
3. There are no photomontages for streets near to this major development.
4. There are no mitigation measures against various adverse impacts in 'summary of impacts: Volume 4'.
5. A realistic, more accurate and comprehensive traffic impact assessment is required, which includes hourly flows and which shows how traffic will be managed in view of over capacity and spillover effects. Mitigation measures and green travel plan are imperative.
6. We note that Fort Cambridge Development Brief states as follows:
3.9 This would imply that any future use would need to be examined in the light of the Structure Plan and the emerging North Harbours Local Plan and its strategy and plans for theTigne’ Peninsula area and Sliema in general. However, in case of incompatibility between this development brief and any emergent plan or policy, the provisions of this development brief shall prevail.
7. We request Grade 1 scheduling of the Officers' Quarters.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

How Sliema towers will break historical skylines and views

James Debono (Malta Today) reports on how the proposed 38 and 40 storey towers in Sliema will break historic skylines and views.  Read more here.

The Fort Cambridge Highrise EIA is currently subject to public consultation until 23 February. Read more here.

Sliema Waste Collection Calendar 2018

NOTE - Increase in frequency of GLASS Collection/Recycling service to once every fortnight starting as of Friday 2nd March 2018. Kindly share with your Sliema friends and acquaintances.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Fort Cambridge Highrise EIA

The public consultation for the 40-storey Fort Cambridge highrise proposed by GAP Developers will expire on 23 February. 

Sliema Local Council is currently looking into the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and had requested the Planning Authority to schedule the property in question, known as the officers' quarters. Significantly, even the same PA had proposed Grade 1 protection for this property. The Developers wish to demolish parts of it, with only parts of the facades retained to be included in the highrise. Grade 1 protection which would preclude any development which would alter its context. 

The proposed development is a few metres away from the controversial Townsquare Project which will include a 38-storey highrise if the developers (Gasan) win the current appeal at the Planning Authority.  

Journalist James Debono had analysed the Environment Impact Assessment in 2016. The EIA has not been updated since then. You may read Debono's analysis here

The full EIA may be read here.  

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fort Cambridge Highrise Public Consultation

A new Public Consultation - PA 02906/16 - Site at, Triq Tigne c/w, Triq Il- Ponta Ta' Dragut, Sliema, Malta – has been launched. The proposed development is just a few metres up from the Townsquare highrise development. Deadline for submissions is 23 February 2018.

The following is the link to the relevant page:

Sliema Locality Meeting 2018

A presentation shall be given on how the Local Council spent its finances in 2017, and a discussion shall then ensue on residents' priorities for the 2018 budget.

Those residents whose name appears on the last Sliema Electoral Register are invited to attend.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Mozzjoni f'waqtha - Michael Briguglio

Il-Mument 14 ta' Jannar 2018

“Ghandu jkun hemm talba formali lill-Gvern sabiex sabiex jieħu l-art fiż-Å»onqor lura mingħand Sadeen u jagħtih lura lill-Maltin”.  Dan kien il-messagg tal-kunsilliera tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fil-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsaskala, f’mozzjoni imressqa din il-gimgha.

Din il-mozzjoni takkumpanja mozzjoni imressqa mill-grupp Nazzjonalista fil-parlament ta’ Malta, u hi konformi ma’ dak li qed jitolbu ghaqdiet ambjentali bhall-Front Harsien ODZ, Din l-Art Helwa, Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar u r-Ramblers Association of Malta. Dan qed jitolbuh ukoll partiti ohrajn ta’ l-oppozizzjoni, gazzetti indipendenti u nies ta’ rieda tajba. Ta’ min infakkar li fl-2015 Malta rat l-ikbar dimostrazzjoni ambjentalista ta’ kull zmien, bl-iskop li z-Zonqor jigi protett.

Ilkoll nafu li minkejja l-pompa ta’ propaganda mill-Gvern Laburista u minkejja l-preferenzi li inghata Sadeen minn fuq dahar il-poplu Malti, l-American University of Malta falliet bil-kbir milli tilħaq il-miri tagħha u saħansitra ukoll naqset dawn il-miri bin-nofs. Nafu li l-Universita’ s’issa gabet biss 15-il student u qed tkecci bosta akkademici.

Nittama li l-Partit Laburista jisma l-ghajta popolari li tezisti sabiex iz-Zonqor jigi protett. Minflok ma jirreagixxi b’negattivita’, jista’ jkun pozittiv u jipprova jaghmel l-almu tieghu ghal kunsens nazzjonali. J’alla l-Universita’ taghmel success, izda sa dan it-tant m’ghandniex nissagirfikaw art daqshekk prezzjuza. Sa fejn naf jien is-success ta’ Universita’ jiddependi minn kriterji akkademici u sostenibbli, u mhux minn kemm hemm veduta tajba tal-bahar.

F’dan l-artiklu, pero’, nixtieq naghmel emfasi fuq ir-rwol tal-Kunsilliera fil-politika. Fil-kas taz-Zonqor, il-grupp ta’ kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti kien proattiv u pprezenta mozzjoni ghal-gid komuni. Nemmen li din il-prassi ghandha tigi addottata iktar frekwentament b’hidma kongunta ta’ kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti u ohrajn li jixtiequ jinghaqdu maghhom.

Jezistu bizibilju ta’ kwistjonijiet ta’ importanza kemm lokali kif ukoll nazzjonali fejn il-kunsilliera jistghu ikunu proattivi. U jekk dan jaghmel sens f’kunsilli fejn il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghandu minoranza ta’ siggijiet, ahseb wara kemm jaghmel iktar sens f’kunsilli fejn tezisti maggoranza Nazzjonalista.

Qed nitkellem mhux biss dwar kwistjonijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni u zvilupp, izda ukoll fuq kwistjonijiet ohra li jolqtu direttament lir-residenti. Dawn ivarjaw minn infurzar sa’ sigurta, minn devoluzzjoni ta’ art pubblika sa metodi ta’ finanzjament, u minn introduzzjoni ta’ bye-laws sa l-importanza ta’ politika ibbazata fuq evidenza, nghidu ahna permezz ta’ social impact assessments u community profiling.

Ghalhekk tajjeb li fil-hidma ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali tas-sena d-diehla, ikun hemm emfasi sabiex il-gruppi nazzjonalisti fil-kunsilli rispettivi jibnu fuq it-tajjeb li diga’ qed isir u fejn hemm bzonn  ikunu iktar proattivi permezz ta’ mozzjonijiet kongunti, hidma mas-socjeta’ civili u prezenza kontinwa fuq il-midja.

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista introduca il-kunsilli lokali 25 sena ilu. Jemmen fis-sussidjarjeta’ biex b’hekk ma jkunx hemm eccess ta’ poter f’idejn il-Gvern centrali u biex il-residenti ikollhom vuci akbar f’kwistjonijiet lokali. Ghall kuntrarju, il-Gvern Laburista qed ihott dan bil-mod il-mod u qed jiccentralizza l-poter f’idejn grupp zghir ta’ nies. Jehtieg li nergghu naghmlu l-kunsilli konformi ma’ l-iskop originali taghhom.