Wednesday, March 21, 2012

AD Local Councils Manifesto

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party

The Alternattiva Demokratika local councillor promises to cooperate and work with residents and local associations to:

1. promote cultural events, strengthen local identity and foster a sense of community;
2. promote sports, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle;
3. defend open spaces and fight overdevelopment;
4. upkeep public gardens and insist on modern and safe play equipment for children and teenagers;
5. improve accessibility and mobility for persons with disability, old people, children and parents of very young children;
6. improve streets and pavements and insist on good workmanship;
7. plant more local species of trees in public spaces to mitigate the effects of traffic;
8. provide bicycle racks near major bus stops, town centres, squares and gardens;
9. work on a mobility plan for the locality with short term, mid term and long term targets;
10. introduce a low speed limit for residential streets similar to that introduced in villages, towns and cities in Europe, making these roads pedestrian, child and bicycle friendly;
11. work towards the target of a public library and town hall in every locality;
12. monitor and promote recycling banks and insist on proper management of these sites with a zero-tolerance approach towards people who misuse them and undermine the community’s recycling efforts;
13. promote the recycling of different objects such as textiles and clothes;
14. promote and convince council to invest in energy efficient lighting for gardens, streets and council property;
15. promote green jobs such as those related to alternative energy and upgrading of the environment;
16. employ a youth and community worker when possible;
17. promote a sense of solidarity and community amongst residents, including commercial establishments, and to ensure that residents feel safe in their homes from criminality and excessive noise;
18. facilitate access to state services for the vulnerable and people at risk of poverty;
19. promote good neighbourliness between residents and the commercial community;
20. ask for a role for the local council in decisions on trading licenses and operating conditions for commercial establishments in the community.

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