4KIDS is a NEW COURSE based on Computer Skills and Academic Subjects for the following ages: 5 to 6, 7 to 8 & 9 to 10. Applicants should be between the ages of 5 to 10 years (primary school children year 1-6). We do not recommend younger or elder students unless in special cases.The duration of the course is 10 hours spread over 5 weeks, once a week for 2 hours each lesson. At the end of the course a certificate will be given to all that have attended the least 4 lectures of the course. 4KIDS will be offered for FREE in the majority of the local councils around Malta and Gozo.
More information will be given to the applicants during the pre-course meeting. Give your children the opportunity to enjoy their summer while learning throughout. Various groups available to meet everyone's needs.
The course is FREE. A 10 euro fee will be charged for the IKIDS notes that will be given to all students during the pre-course meeting.
Please contact Sliema Local Council sliema.lc@gov.mt to apply

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