Michael Briguglio - Sliema Local Council Magazine - December 2013
Education is a priority for Sliema Local Council. By education, we don’t simply mean the awarding of certificates, but we are increasingly referring to various life skills and abilities which can be learned in an inclusive atmosphere, where participants share a sense of belonging to their locality.
During 2013, Sliema Local Council was busy organizing various educational courses. These included computer courses for children and adults, first aid, drama, nutrition, breast cancer awareness, alongside others such as the popular courses within the Lifelong learning scheme, which varied from languages to physical activity, with alot of other courses in between. The Lifelong learning scheme in Sliema is the 2nd most popular in Malta, and courses are fully accessible for persons with physical disability.
Investment in the public library in Blanche Huber Street ensured internet and Wi-fi access in addition to an ever expanding collection of books. Story-telling sessions for children, on Saturdays between 9am and 10am, are now in their second year. The library is also fully accessible for persons with physical disability.
Indeed, the Local Council is giving priority to the need for universal access to public services and infrastructure. Works on pavements, gardens and beaches are examples in this regard. Other plans for the future include having more accessible swings and playing areas.
We are also one of the only five local councils to assign dog-friendly beaches. Part of the beach in Tigne’ near Fortina hotel has been assigned for this purpose, and by next summer we intend to have it better equipped.
Sliema Local Council has also been meeting the Bicycle Advocacy Group to increase awareness on the rights of pedestrians and bicycle users. We are doing our utmost to ensure safety for everyone, yet it is important to point out that we depend on approval from Transport Malta for certain initiatives which we are proposing.
As regards the environment, one main initiative by the local council was our official feedback to MEPA for the Local Plans public consultation process. Amongst others, Sliema Council expressed its opposition to more large-scale development similar to those at Tigne’ Point and Fort Cambridge; that the coast should be free from further development and should be fully accessible to the public; that permitted building heights should not increase, and should actually decrease in certain cases; that the area near the Police Station should be revived so as to function as a community centre with public services; that a park-and-ride scheme to Sliema be introduced at Manoel Island; that Tigne’ seafront should remain residential rather than be commercialized; that development in urban conservation areas should not simply preserve facades, but also important internal characteristics; that more buildings be scheduled; and that MEPA dedicates more funds to compensate for the impact on development in Sliema.
We expect MEPA to give the Local Council proposals the importance they deserve.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Sign the petition to save Qui-si-sana beach from privatization
Background information is available from the following:
Government gives blessing to private beach at Qui Si Sana
Sliema council objects to Qui-Si-Sana development
Sign the petition to save Qui-si-Sana beach from privatisation here:
Government gives blessing to private beach at Qui Si Sana
Sliema council objects to Qui-Si-Sana development
Sign the petition to save Qui-si-Sana beach from privatisation here:
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Competition: Video/Animation - European Week for Waste Reduction
Please note - Deadline to submit material to Sliema Local Council is 7 November 2013
Please note - Deadline to submit material to Sliema Local Council is 7 November 2013
Please note - Deadline to submit material to Sliema Local Council is 7 November 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Breast Cancer Awareness sessions at Sliema Local Council
Friday 1st November at 600pm for the young persons
Tuesday 19th November at 930 am for elderly persons
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Talks by Europa Donna Malta - The European Breast Cancer Coalition
Tuesday 19th November at 930 am for elderly persons
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Talks by Europa Donna Malta - The European Breast Cancer Coalition
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Local Plan Review - Sliema Local Council feedback to MEPA
In this link you will find Sliema Local Council's official position on the local plan review, as submitted to MEPA.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sliema Public Health Clinic
The Sliema Public Health Clinic, which is situated in the Local Council premises in Depiro Street, will now be open in the following times:
Mondays 0730 to 1230
Wednesdays 0730 to 1230
Thursdays 0730 to 1100
Fridays 0730 to 1230
Mondays 0730 to 1230
Wednesdays 0730 to 1230
Thursdays 0730 to 1100
Fridays 0730 to 1230
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tell MEPA not to allow further development on Qui-si-sana coast
Residents in Sliema are expressing their concern with the proposed privatization of part of Qui-si-sana's coast, which you can read about on this link: http://sliemanews.blogspot.com/2013/10/sliema-council-objects-to-qui-si-sana.html
Sliema Local Council has objected to the the original and revised applications, and has insisted that pristine globigerina coastline should be preserved unconditionally, as this is rich in marine flora and fauna, and should be kept public.
Those who want to defend this part of Qui-si-sana coast are urged to submit their objections to MEPA, by following these steps:
1. Go to www.mepa.org.mt
2. In column on right, "Case Search", type in 02601 13, and click on 'Case Search' option.
3. You have now entered page concerning this application. Scroll down and under 'images' section, you will find an option to 'submit representation'. Click on it, fill in details, write your comments, and send your objection to MEPA by clicking on 'submit comments'.
Please pass on this message to all those who want to defend Malta's environment and public land.
Sliema Local Council has objected to the the original and revised applications, and has insisted that pristine globigerina coastline should be preserved unconditionally, as this is rich in marine flora and fauna, and should be kept public.
Those who want to defend this part of Qui-si-sana coast are urged to submit their objections to MEPA, by following these steps:
1. Go to www.mepa.org.mt
2. In column on right, "Case Search", type in 02601 13, and click on 'Case Search' option.
3. You have now entered page concerning this application. Scroll down and under 'images' section, you will find an option to 'submit representation'. Click on it, fill in details, write your comments, and send your objection to MEPA by clicking on 'submit comments'.
Please pass on this message to all those who want to defend Malta's environment and public land.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
New computer courses at Sliema Local Council
1. E-Lifestyles
Computer Course to learn how to use Facebook, Gmail, Ebay, Picasa, Youtube
Apply Online www.learnit.com.mt or at Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
For more information or to book contact TCTC Naxxar 21421784/5 or 21820819, or learnit@tctcmalta.com. Every application will require the amount of €10 for the notes and registration. Terms and conditions apply.
2. ECDL Standard Start
12 hour course which covers first 3 ECDL subjects
New Syllabus
Apply Online www.learnit.com.mt or at Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
For more information or to book contact TCTC Naxxar 21421784/5 or 21820819. Every application will require the amount of €15 for the notes and registration.
Course starts on 25 November
Exams not included. More information about assistance, including subsidy, to those who decide to sit for exam can be obtained from Local Council or TCTC. ECDL Standard Qualification is equivalent to Level 3 of the Malta Qualifications Council. Terms and conditions apply.
Computer Course to learn how to use Facebook, Gmail, Ebay, Picasa, Youtube
Apply Online www.learnit.com.mt or at Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
For more information or to book contact TCTC Naxxar 21421784/5 or 21820819, or learnit@tctcmalta.com. Every application will require the amount of €10 for the notes and registration. Terms and conditions apply.
2. ECDL Standard Start
12 hour course which covers first 3 ECDL subjects
New Syllabus
Apply Online www.learnit.com.mt or at Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
For more information or to book contact TCTC Naxxar 21421784/5 or 21820819. Every application will require the amount of €15 for the notes and registration.
Course starts on 25 November
Exams not included. More information about assistance, including subsidy, to those who decide to sit for exam can be obtained from Local Council or TCTC. ECDL Standard Qualification is equivalent to Level 3 of the Malta Qualifications Council. Terms and conditions apply.
Sliema council objects to Qui-Si-Sana development
800m2 of pristine shoreline earmarked for sun-beds
James Debono, Malta Today 6 October 2013
The Sliema Local Council is objecting to a development of leisure facilities on 800 square meters of pristine rocky shoreline in Qui-Si-Sana just below the Qui-Si-Sana public garden.
The development is earmarked for “leisure development” which consists in lavatories, showers, an attendant’s area and rows of sun beds, which are set to cover the rocky shoreline.
The application was presented by hotelier Michael Stivala on 15 March, just three days after the general elections and was issued for public consultation on September 21.
“Such a project will deny full public access on to what is presently public land,” the council said in an official objection letter sent to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.
The Sliema council described the site in question as a “stretch of pristine rocky coastline” made up of globerigina limestone and characterised by rocky pools, which are rich in marine flora and fauna.
The council also pints out that a World War II structure known as the coastal Artillery Search Light overlooks the site. Although the application does not impact on this recently restored historical monument, it would result in the destruction of its context.
The development is set to take place on public land but the application states that the owner of the site has already given consent to the proposed development.
“Sliema cannot afford to lose more of its coast for private development, something which contrasts with the Sliema local council’s efforts to make beaches “as clean and accessible as possible”, Green Party councillor Michael Briguglio said.
James Debono, Malta Today 6 October 2013
The Sliema Local Council is objecting to a development of leisure facilities on 800 square meters of pristine rocky shoreline in Qui-Si-Sana just below the Qui-Si-Sana public garden.
The development is earmarked for “leisure development” which consists in lavatories, showers, an attendant’s area and rows of sun beds, which are set to cover the rocky shoreline.
The application was presented by hotelier Michael Stivala on 15 March, just three days after the general elections and was issued for public consultation on September 21.
“Such a project will deny full public access on to what is presently public land,” the council said in an official objection letter sent to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.
The Sliema council described the site in question as a “stretch of pristine rocky coastline” made up of globerigina limestone and characterised by rocky pools, which are rich in marine flora and fauna.
The council also pints out that a World War II structure known as the coastal Artillery Search Light overlooks the site. Although the application does not impact on this recently restored historical monument, it would result in the destruction of its context.
The development is set to take place on public land but the application states that the owner of the site has already given consent to the proposed development.
“Sliema cannot afford to lose more of its coast for private development, something which contrasts with the Sliema local council’s efforts to make beaches “as clean and accessible as possible”, Green Party councillor Michael Briguglio said.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Sliema Public Library
The 'Margaret Mortimer' Sliema Public Library, in Blanche Huber Street, is, until further notice, open on the following days:
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 0800am-1200pm
The library is fully accessible has free internet and WI-FI access.
Storytelling for Children
Every Saturday between 9am-10am, starting from Saturday 5 October. Public holidays excluded. At Sliema Local Library, Blanche Huber Street
Children aged between 5-7 are welcome to attend.
Sessions in English and Maltese.
Those interested are to send Name of Child, Age, Parent/guardian, Address and Mob/Tel to Sliema Local Council ( sliema.lc@gov.mt ) or to Sliema Local Library.
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 0800am-1200pm
The library is fully accessible has free internet and WI-FI access.
Storytelling for Children
Every Saturday between 9am-10am, starting from Saturday 5 October. Public holidays excluded. At Sliema Local Library, Blanche Huber Street
Children aged between 5-7 are welcome to attend.
Sessions in English and Maltese.
Those interested are to send Name of Child, Age, Parent/guardian, Address and Mob/Tel to Sliema Local Council ( sliema.lc@gov.mt ) or to Sliema Local Library.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
More courses at Sliema Local Council for the upcoming season
Following the summer courses, and in addition to the 13 courses as part of the upcoming Lifelong Learning Scheme in Sliema , Sliema Local Council is organizing a further batch of courses for the winter season. Maltese and non-Maltese residents are welcome to attend these courses. Course venues are fully accessible.
These include the following:
Breast Cancer Awareness
Friday 1st November at 600pm for the young persons
Tuesday 19th November at 930 am for elderly persons
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Talks by Europa Donna Malta - The European Breast Cancer Coalition
Storytelling for Children
Every Saturday between 9am-10am, starting from Saturday 5 October. Public holidays excluded.
At Sliema Local Library, Blanche Huber Street
Children aged between 5-7 are welcome to attend.
Sessions in English and Maltese.
Those interested are to send Name of Child, Age, Parent/guardian, Address and Mob/Tel to Sliema Local Council ( sliema.lc@gov.mt ) or to Sliema Local Library.
Holistic Nutrition Course
Every Thursday between 10am and 11am
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Starting date: 10th October
Course given by David Spiteri
In the coming weeks, Sliema Local Council will also announce further educational initiatives
These include the following:
Breast Cancer Awareness
Friday 1st November at 600pm for the young persons
Tuesday 19th November at 930 am for elderly persons
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Talks by Europa Donna Malta - The European Breast Cancer Coalition
Storytelling for Children
Every Saturday between 9am-10am, starting from Saturday 5 October. Public holidays excluded.
At Sliema Local Library, Blanche Huber Street
Children aged between 5-7 are welcome to attend.
Sessions in English and Maltese.
Those interested are to send Name of Child, Age, Parent/guardian, Address and Mob/Tel to Sliema Local Council ( sliema.lc@gov.mt ) or to Sliema Local Library.
Holistic Nutrition Course
Every Thursday between 10am and 11am
At Sliema Local Council, Depiro Street, Sliema
Starting date: 10th October
Course given by David Spiteri
In the coming weeks, Sliema Local Council will also announce further educational initiatives
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Lifelong Learning Courses in Sliema 2013/4
Sliema Local Council will be participating in the Lifelong Learning scheme, in partnership with the Directorate for Lifelong Learning (Ministry for Education and Employment) for the coming year, 2013/4.
To date, Sliema Local Council is one of the two most popular local councils as regards lifelong learning courses.
From the coming year, all courses offered in Sliema will be fully accessible for persons with physical disability, and, as in previous years, will be fully accessible to non-Maltese residents, in line with the Local Council's drive for full accessibility and social inclusion.
Courses on offer at Sliema Local Council for the coming year, and their respective level, are:
Maltese as a Foreign Language (MQF Level 1)
English as a Foreign Language (MQF Level 1)
French (Level 2)
Spanish (MQF Level 1)
Health Wellbeing and Successful Ageing (MQF Level 1)
Understanding Children with Emotional and Behavioural Challenges (Certificate of Attendance)
Lace Making (VET level 1)
Drama for Personality Development (VPA level rating is in progress)
Maltese Cultural and Natural Heritage (MQF level rating is in progress) - this course includes on-site outings.
Zumba Fitness (Certificate of Attendance)
Yoga (Certificate of Attendance)
Keep Fit (Certificate of Attendance)
General Science (Core competences basic level)
One may obtain a free hard copy of the prospectus (which also includes courses at other local councils and centres) from the Sliema Local Council offices. More details can be found by clicking on this link: https://lifelonglearning.gov.mt/public/frmCoursesVenue.aspx?ven=43
One can apply online for the courses mentioned above between 19 August and 6 September through the following website:
One may also access facebook page at
In the coming weeks Sliema Local Council will announce other new courses which will be held during winter 2013/4.
More information and assistance may be obtained from the Sliema Local Council
To date, Sliema Local Council is one of the two most popular local councils as regards lifelong learning courses.
From the coming year, all courses offered in Sliema will be fully accessible for persons with physical disability, and, as in previous years, will be fully accessible to non-Maltese residents, in line with the Local Council's drive for full accessibility and social inclusion.
Courses on offer at Sliema Local Council for the coming year, and their respective level, are:
Maltese as a Foreign Language (MQF Level 1)
English as a Foreign Language (MQF Level 1)
French (Level 2)
Spanish (MQF Level 1)
Health Wellbeing and Successful Ageing (MQF Level 1)
Understanding Children with Emotional and Behavioural Challenges (Certificate of Attendance)
Lace Making (VET level 1)
Drama for Personality Development (VPA level rating is in progress)
Maltese Cultural and Natural Heritage (MQF level rating is in progress) - this course includes on-site outings.
Zumba Fitness (Certificate of Attendance)
Yoga (Certificate of Attendance)
Keep Fit (Certificate of Attendance)
General Science (Core competences basic level)
One may obtain a free hard copy of the prospectus (which also includes courses at other local councils and centres) from the Sliema Local Council offices. More details can be found by clicking on this link: https://lifelonglearning.gov.mt/public/frmCoursesVenue.aspx?ven=43
One can apply online for the courses mentioned above between 19 August and 6 September through the following website:
One may also access facebook page at
In the coming weeks Sliema Local Council will announce other new courses which will be held during winter 2013/4.
More information and assistance may be obtained from the Sliema Local Council
Dog Friendly Beach in Sliema
Sliema Local Council is one of the 5 local councils participating in the initiative for dog friendly beaches around Malta and Gozo.
The area in Sliema allocated for this purpose is at Tigne' Point (under The Point), which is accessible from the Strand.
The area in Sliema allocated for this purpose is at Tigne' Point (under The Point), which is accessible from the Strand.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Parking Scheme in Sliema remains suspended by Government
Sliema is still being denied a parking scheme by the Government. The scheme, which was in line with legal requirements, was abruptly suspended by the Government when it was in its trial period. In the meantime Sliema is being treated differently from other localities which had approved parking schemes in previous years.
More can be seen and read at
More can be seen and read at
Monday, July 22, 2013
Revision of Local Plans
The Malta Environment and Planning Authority is currently revising local plans. I will be speaking on the issue as Sliema Local Councillor, where I intend to emphasize issues such as overdevelopment, open spaces, traffic congestion, solar energy rights, building heights and commercialization.
Residents, NGOs and other stakeholders are invited to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com with concrete suggestions in this regard.
In the meantime, newspaper Malta Today, referring to official figures of the National Statistics Office, has reported that Sliema, which saw 852 new applications in the past five years, registers the second-highest number of vacant properties in Malta: 4,061. Between 2005 and 2011, vacant properties in Sliema shot up by 1,394.
Residents, NGOs and other stakeholders are invited to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com with concrete suggestions in this regard.
In the meantime, newspaper Malta Today, referring to official figures of the National Statistics Office, has reported that Sliema, which saw 852 new applications in the past five years, registers the second-highest number of vacant properties in Malta: 4,061. Between 2005 and 2011, vacant properties in Sliema shot up by 1,394.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Council disputes minister's statement on parking scheme
Sunday, June 23, 2013, 08:15
Sliema Council has denied that that the locality's parking scheme was introduced on the basis of a legal notice issued on the eve of the general election, or that there was no trial period.
Both claims were made in parliament last week by Transport Minister Joe Mizzi, when replying to a parliamentary question.In a statement today, the council said that Legal Notice 200 of 2009 was actually enacted in 2009, and not on the eve of the General Election, in order to regularize the position of all Local Councils which had Transport Malta permits for the implementation of timed controlled parking schemes within their respective localities. Sliema Local Council started to implement this scheme, for a trial period of six months, according to this Legal Notice, in January 2013.
"Accordingly, the Sliema Local Council maintains that the Cabinet effectively suspended the trial period of the controlled timed parking scheme which is regulated by LN 200 of 2009. The Council also maintains that, as such, this suspension is ultra vires, in that the mentioned Legal Notice is still in force," the council said.
"The trial period was being implemented in order to study the implementation of the system on the ground, receive feedback from the various stakeholders involved, and amend the system as necessary so that it is updated to the new circumstances."
Sliema Council has denied that that the locality's parking scheme was introduced on the basis of a legal notice issued on the eve of the general election, or that there was no trial period.
Both claims were made in parliament last week by Transport Minister Joe Mizzi, when replying to a parliamentary question.In a statement today, the council said that Legal Notice 200 of 2009 was actually enacted in 2009, and not on the eve of the General Election, in order to regularize the position of all Local Councils which had Transport Malta permits for the implementation of timed controlled parking schemes within their respective localities. Sliema Local Council started to implement this scheme, for a trial period of six months, according to this Legal Notice, in January 2013.
"Accordingly, the Sliema Local Council maintains that the Cabinet effectively suspended the trial period of the controlled timed parking scheme which is regulated by LN 200 of 2009. The Council also maintains that, as such, this suspension is ultra vires, in that the mentioned Legal Notice is still in force," the council said.
"The trial period was being implemented in order to study the implementation of the system on the ground, receive feedback from the various stakeholders involved, and amend the system as necessary so that it is updated to the new circumstances."
Friday, June 21, 2013
Summer Courses for Children and Adults at Sliema Local Council
Nutrition (for adults)
Tuesdays from 9.00 till 10.00.
2nd July - 27th August
2nd July: Basics in nutrition
9th July; Reading food labels
23rd July: Steps to decrease your weight
30th July: Diet for a healthy heart
6th August: Controlling high blood pressure through diet
13th August: Diabetes, what can I eat?
20th August: Diet to decrease cholesterol
27th August: Managing
Irritable bowel symptoms
Fee 10 Euros for the whole course
First Aid Course -also including First Aid for Child and Baby- (for adults) by St John’s Ambulance
9 sessions in all.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am – 1pm
Starting Thursday 11 July
Fee 10 Euros for the whole course
Drama courses for kids (up to 13/14 years of age)
Fridays 9.30am-11am (5th July - 20th September)
Fee - 10 euros for the whole course
iKids - Computer courses for children during Summer.
More details at http://ikids.com.mt/
Apply within Sliema Local Council or through http://ikids.com.mt/
Course is free
All courses held at Sliema Local Council
For more info, and to apply, please contact Sliema Local Council
Note: Sliema Local Council will announce more courses, including those under the Lifelong Learning scheme, in the coming weeks
Tuesdays from 9.00 till 10.00.
2nd July - 27th August
2nd July: Basics in nutrition
9th July; Reading food labels
23rd July: Steps to decrease your weight
30th July: Diet for a healthy heart
6th August: Controlling high blood pressure through diet
13th August: Diabetes, what can I eat?
20th August: Diet to decrease cholesterol
27th August: Managing
Irritable bowel symptoms
Fee 10 Euros for the whole course
First Aid Course -also including First Aid for Child and Baby- (for adults) by St John’s Ambulance
9 sessions in all.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am – 1pm
Starting Thursday 11 July
Fee 10 Euros for the whole course
Drama courses for kids (up to 13/14 years of age)
Fridays 9.30am-11am (5th July - 20th September)
Fee - 10 euros for the whole course
iKids - Computer courses for children during Summer.
More details at http://ikids.com.mt/
Apply within Sliema Local Council or through http://ikids.com.mt/
Course is free
All courses held at Sliema Local Council
For more info, and to apply, please contact Sliema Local Council
Note: Sliema Local Council will announce more courses, including those under the Lifelong Learning scheme, in the coming weeks
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Disability, Education and Maritime Affairs
Michael Briguglio
Sliema Local Council Magazine, Summer 2013
It is with pleasure that this is my fourth legislature as Sliema local councillor since 2003. It is also very satisfying to note that the previous council won a vote of confidence in March’s local elections. The positive and forward-looking attitude by councillors and staff surely played an important role in this regard.
My responsibilities for the 2013-17 legislature are issues related to disability, education and maritime affairs. I also form part of the Council’s committees on finance, public offers and EU affairs.
In this article I wish to point out some of my priorities in the respective fields.
As regards disability, it is important to note that there are various forms of disability. Despite the increased awareness on the rights of persons with disability, ignorance still persists on this issue. For example, people with disability should not be seen as one homogenous group. There are various degrees and types of disability, from the physical to the intellectual and such identities intersect with other identities that each individual has such as gender, class, sexuality, age, and ethnicity. If one translates this to social policy, one would realize that, while all persons with disability should have their rights guaranteed, one cannot adopt one-size-fits-all policies. Persons with disability should have full access to the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of everyday life. Otherwise, it would be society which is disabling people.
One important priority regarding disability is to ensure that Sliema is a fully accessible locality. The current council is working on safer pedestrian pathways, more accessible pavements and public buildings and more accessible beaches. We also intend to ensure that all public spaces, including playing fields, are fully accessible.
As regards education, the Sliema Local Council will shortly launch the Lifelong Learning scheme for 2013-4. As was the case with previous years, the scheme was very successful last year. Next year we aim to further diversify courses on offer, where we also aim to include courses related to wellbeing, social and cultural issues and healthy living, in addition to language courses.
Following various upgrades at the Sliema Library, which is situated in the Primary School building, this year we aim to keep giving this service the importance it deserves. The library is constantly purchasing new books and also offers services such as storytelling for children, internet access and WI-FI.
As regards Maritime Affairs, one main priority is to ensure that beaches are well-organized, accessible and clean. It is for this reason that apart from the public cleaning services, Sliema Local Council works with NGOs and civic-minded persons for beach and underwater clean-ups. As regards the latter, much more awareness has to be created. This is important not only for the maritime ecology, but also for our diving industry, which is an important touristic niche. Sliema Local Council is also ensuring that beaches are not glorified carparks.
Another initiative in which I am involved with other fellow councillors is the drive to make Sliema the most bicycle-friendly locality. Last year we increased bicycle racks, but now is the time to introduce policies to make sure that this green form of transport is enhanced. Bikers’ and pedestrians’ safety is a key priority in this respect. For this reason, Sliema Local Council is regularly meeting persons involved in the field, including members of the Bicycle Advocacy Group.
I wish to emphasize that in various matters, Sliema Local Council depends on approval and/or assistance from Governmental Ministries/Departments/Authorities. In relation to local council reform, this is is a matter that in itself deserves due attention and discussion.
I invite all those who wish to give a helping hand or to send me suggestions regarding the areas I referred to above by emailing me at mbrig@hotmail.com.
Online version of Sliema Local Council Magazine - click here
Sliema Local Council Magazine, Summer 2013
It is with pleasure that this is my fourth legislature as Sliema local councillor since 2003. It is also very satisfying to note that the previous council won a vote of confidence in March’s local elections. The positive and forward-looking attitude by councillors and staff surely played an important role in this regard.
My responsibilities for the 2013-17 legislature are issues related to disability, education and maritime affairs. I also form part of the Council’s committees on finance, public offers and EU affairs.
In this article I wish to point out some of my priorities in the respective fields.
As regards disability, it is important to note that there are various forms of disability. Despite the increased awareness on the rights of persons with disability, ignorance still persists on this issue. For example, people with disability should not be seen as one homogenous group. There are various degrees and types of disability, from the physical to the intellectual and such identities intersect with other identities that each individual has such as gender, class, sexuality, age, and ethnicity. If one translates this to social policy, one would realize that, while all persons with disability should have their rights guaranteed, one cannot adopt one-size-fits-all policies. Persons with disability should have full access to the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of everyday life. Otherwise, it would be society which is disabling people.
One important priority regarding disability is to ensure that Sliema is a fully accessible locality. The current council is working on safer pedestrian pathways, more accessible pavements and public buildings and more accessible beaches. We also intend to ensure that all public spaces, including playing fields, are fully accessible.
As regards education, the Sliema Local Council will shortly launch the Lifelong Learning scheme for 2013-4. As was the case with previous years, the scheme was very successful last year. Next year we aim to further diversify courses on offer, where we also aim to include courses related to wellbeing, social and cultural issues and healthy living, in addition to language courses.
Following various upgrades at the Sliema Library, which is situated in the Primary School building, this year we aim to keep giving this service the importance it deserves. The library is constantly purchasing new books and also offers services such as storytelling for children, internet access and WI-FI.
As regards Maritime Affairs, one main priority is to ensure that beaches are well-organized, accessible and clean. It is for this reason that apart from the public cleaning services, Sliema Local Council works with NGOs and civic-minded persons for beach and underwater clean-ups. As regards the latter, much more awareness has to be created. This is important not only for the maritime ecology, but also for our diving industry, which is an important touristic niche. Sliema Local Council is also ensuring that beaches are not glorified carparks.
Another initiative in which I am involved with other fellow councillors is the drive to make Sliema the most bicycle-friendly locality. Last year we increased bicycle racks, but now is the time to introduce policies to make sure that this green form of transport is enhanced. Bikers’ and pedestrians’ safety is a key priority in this respect. For this reason, Sliema Local Council is regularly meeting persons involved in the field, including members of the Bicycle Advocacy Group.
I wish to emphasize that in various matters, Sliema Local Council depends on approval and/or assistance from Governmental Ministries/Departments/Authorities. In relation to local council reform, this is is a matter that in itself deserves due attention and discussion.
I invite all those who wish to give a helping hand or to send me suggestions regarding the areas I referred to above by emailing me at mbrig@hotmail.com.
Online version of Sliema Local Council Magazine - click here
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
iKids computer courses for children at Sliema Local Council
iKids - Computer courses for children during Summer. Apply within Sliema Local Council or through
Monday, May 27, 2013
Check out this Video - Sliema Street Art Festival
Check out this promotional video:
The Sliema promenade will serve as an exhibition space – and as a canvas – for a wide selection of street artists late next month, for the first edition of the Sliema Street Art Festival. It will take place between June 28-30, but the artworks themselves are set to remain on site all summer.
Facebook event page:
Check out our website to view all the artists portfolios.
If you want to participate sign up here:
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The Sliema promenade will serve as an exhibition space – and as a canvas – for a wide selection of street artists late next month, for the first edition of the Sliema Street Art Festival. It will take place between June 28-30, but the artworks themselves are set to remain on site all summer.
Facebook event page:
Check out our website to view all the artists portfolios.
If you want to participate sign up here:
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Sliema parking scheme 'to be postponed for not more than three weeks' - council
The Times, 24 May 2013
The Sliema council said today it was willing to postpone the enforcement of its controlled parking scheme for not more than another three weeks, within which Transport Malta was being invited to make proposals for the scheme's improvement.
In a statement, the council said it disagreed with Cabinet’s decision to suspend the implementation of the trial period of the scheme and had reservations about the way the scheme was suspended.
TM had suspended the scheme a week after it was introduced on the strength of a Cabinet decision. The council was asked to rethink the scheme and revisit its plans.
The council said it only went ahead with the scheme after it obtained all the necessary permits from Transport Malta. Prior to the implementation, the council was in constant communication with TM officials. Authority officials also chipped in with their advice.
The council said while its scheme was suspended, similar ones in other localities were not.
The council said it sent a preliminary report on the improvement of the traffic and parking situation in Sliema to Transport Minister Joe Mizzi and Councils Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera.
The Sliema council said today it was willing to postpone the enforcement of its controlled parking scheme for not more than another three weeks, within which Transport Malta was being invited to make proposals for the scheme's improvement.
In a statement, the council said it disagreed with Cabinet’s decision to suspend the implementation of the trial period of the scheme and had reservations about the way the scheme was suspended.
TM had suspended the scheme a week after it was introduced on the strength of a Cabinet decision. The council was asked to rethink the scheme and revisit its plans.
The council said it only went ahead with the scheme after it obtained all the necessary permits from Transport Malta. Prior to the implementation, the council was in constant communication with TM officials. Authority officials also chipped in with their advice.
The council said while its scheme was suspended, similar ones in other localities were not.
The council said it sent a preliminary report on the improvement of the traffic and parking situation in Sliema to Transport Minister Joe Mizzi and Councils Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sliema to host street art festival
The Malta Independent 20th May 2013
The Sliema promenade will serve as an exhibition space – and as a canvas – for a wide selection of street artists late next month, for the first edition of the Sliema Street Art Festival. It will take place between June 28-30, but the artworks themselves are set to remain on site all summer. John Cordina writes

The event is the brainchild of Add More Colors, a company which focuses on street art and graffiti and which seeks to enable artists to live on their talent. The company was founded in Sweden, but has been based in Malta since 2009.
AMC director and Sliema resident Peter Brobeck, one of the festival’s organisers, notes that the company admired the country’s attitude towards art, stating that it is “light years ahead of Sweden when it came to open-mindedness and appreciation towards art.”
The Sliema local council has already backed street art initiatives: last summer, a wall beneath the Qui-Si-Sana promenade was decorated by a number of street artists as part of the “Putting Colour in the Streets” project.
The festival came about when the company sought to obtain permits to paint the wall. In the process, Mr Brobeck met Sliema local councillor Pierre Portelli through a mutual friend, and it was through the ensuing discussions that plans to organise the festival were set in motion.
The local council’s blessing provided the organisers – a team of four, including Mr Brobeck – with an ideal exhibition space: the Sliema promenade, starting from the Għar id-Dud area all the way to Balluta Bay, including the Independence Garden.
The promenade, popular with locals and tourists alike, has hosted a number of art exhibitions in past years, but nothing on this scale.
Organising such a large-scale event brings “tons of challenges,” Mr Brobeck acknowledges, and the organisers aim to create a festival fit for people of all ages and origins.
In the spirit of street art, participation is open to anyone, “regardless of age, citizenship or education.” The only prerequisite, the organisers stress, is “quality and vigour.”
Nine foreign acts – eight solo artists and a sibling duo – have confirmed that they will be participating in the festival. They are David Walker (England), Tank (Germany), Mr Dheo (Portugal), Shaka (France), Sofles (Australia), Smates (Belgium), Steve Locatelli (Belgium), Kayo Natez (Germany) and Brohemia (Sweden).
The festival’s artworks will include traditional graffiti, stencil graffiti, sculptures, sticker art, wheat-pasting, street posters, art intervention, guerrilla art and street installations.
The Independence Garden will be hosting an exhibition area for canvas art, street art photography and sculpture, but artworks will also be set up on easels across the promenade. Over 100 easels are to be set up for artists to exhibit their work, and over 200 square metres of walls will be available for wall art.
Naturally, the street art festival will not simply serve to exhibit works: live painting – as well as collaborations between artists – will also be taking place. And the local council, the organisers note, has given its blessing for participants to colour the promenade itself.
“Every part and object belonging to the Sliema promenade is a possible piece of art,” the event’s organisers state, naming gazebos, benches and phone booths as examples.
This may sound like a recipe for disaster, but Mr Brobeck stresses that this will be no free-for-all without any rules and guidelines.
“We don’t want the promenade to look like a paintball warzone,” he adds.
What the organisers are doing is to screen applications and carefully select the ones that they think will fit on the festival. Once this is done, the selected street artists will be assigned locations – spread across the festival area – to work on.
“So far we’ve only had great ideas and suggested collaborations... there are a lot of creative minds on this island,” Mr Brobeck explains.
The festival will not just host visual arts: appropriately enough, it is set to host a large number of street performers. Musicians and entertainers ranging from solitary buskers to large groups are invited to apply to participate: a number of mini sound systems will be placed in strategic spots along the promenade to allow performers to plug and play with ease.
The organisers plan to turn the festival into an annual event, with Mr Brobeck pointing out that Sliema presently lacks an annual festival of its own, in contrast to many other Maltese towns.
They are also confident that the artwork which will be displayed – and created – during the festival will be well received.
“I have always thought of the Maltese people as very open minded when it comes to street art and graffiti. The art form has grown very popular the last 10 years all around the world, and it’s exciting to live on an island where the people aren’t scared of trying out new things,” Mr Brobeck notes.
The event should have something to offer for people for all ages and personalities, he adds. What it will certainly do, he adds, is lead to a “colourful and pleasant promenade.”
Facebook event page:
Check out our website to view all the artists portfolios.
If you want to participate sign up here:
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The Sliema promenade will serve as an exhibition space – and as a canvas – for a wide selection of street artists late next month, for the first edition of the Sliema Street Art Festival. It will take place between June 28-30, but the artworks themselves are set to remain on site all summer. John Cordina writes

The event is the brainchild of Add More Colors, a company which focuses on street art and graffiti and which seeks to enable artists to live on their talent. The company was founded in Sweden, but has been based in Malta since 2009.
AMC director and Sliema resident Peter Brobeck, one of the festival’s organisers, notes that the company admired the country’s attitude towards art, stating that it is “light years ahead of Sweden when it came to open-mindedness and appreciation towards art.”
The Sliema local council has already backed street art initiatives: last summer, a wall beneath the Qui-Si-Sana promenade was decorated by a number of street artists as part of the “Putting Colour in the Streets” project.
The festival came about when the company sought to obtain permits to paint the wall. In the process, Mr Brobeck met Sliema local councillor Pierre Portelli through a mutual friend, and it was through the ensuing discussions that plans to organise the festival were set in motion.
The local council’s blessing provided the organisers – a team of four, including Mr Brobeck – with an ideal exhibition space: the Sliema promenade, starting from the Għar id-Dud area all the way to Balluta Bay, including the Independence Garden.
The promenade, popular with locals and tourists alike, has hosted a number of art exhibitions in past years, but nothing on this scale.
Organising such a large-scale event brings “tons of challenges,” Mr Brobeck acknowledges, and the organisers aim to create a festival fit for people of all ages and origins.
In the spirit of street art, participation is open to anyone, “regardless of age, citizenship or education.” The only prerequisite, the organisers stress, is “quality and vigour.”
Nine foreign acts – eight solo artists and a sibling duo – have confirmed that they will be participating in the festival. They are David Walker (England), Tank (Germany), Mr Dheo (Portugal), Shaka (France), Sofles (Australia), Smates (Belgium), Steve Locatelli (Belgium), Kayo Natez (Germany) and Brohemia (Sweden).
The festival’s artworks will include traditional graffiti, stencil graffiti, sculptures, sticker art, wheat-pasting, street posters, art intervention, guerrilla art and street installations.
The Independence Garden will be hosting an exhibition area for canvas art, street art photography and sculpture, but artworks will also be set up on easels across the promenade. Over 100 easels are to be set up for artists to exhibit their work, and over 200 square metres of walls will be available for wall art.
Naturally, the street art festival will not simply serve to exhibit works: live painting – as well as collaborations between artists – will also be taking place. And the local council, the organisers note, has given its blessing for participants to colour the promenade itself.
“Every part and object belonging to the Sliema promenade is a possible piece of art,” the event’s organisers state, naming gazebos, benches and phone booths as examples.
This may sound like a recipe for disaster, but Mr Brobeck stresses that this will be no free-for-all without any rules and guidelines.
“We don’t want the promenade to look like a paintball warzone,” he adds.
What the organisers are doing is to screen applications and carefully select the ones that they think will fit on the festival. Once this is done, the selected street artists will be assigned locations – spread across the festival area – to work on.
“So far we’ve only had great ideas and suggested collaborations... there are a lot of creative minds on this island,” Mr Brobeck explains.
The festival will not just host visual arts: appropriately enough, it is set to host a large number of street performers. Musicians and entertainers ranging from solitary buskers to large groups are invited to apply to participate: a number of mini sound systems will be placed in strategic spots along the promenade to allow performers to plug and play with ease.
The organisers plan to turn the festival into an annual event, with Mr Brobeck pointing out that Sliema presently lacks an annual festival of its own, in contrast to many other Maltese towns.
They are also confident that the artwork which will be displayed – and created – during the festival will be well received.
“I have always thought of the Maltese people as very open minded when it comes to street art and graffiti. The art form has grown very popular the last 10 years all around the world, and it’s exciting to live on an island where the people aren’t scared of trying out new things,” Mr Brobeck notes.
The event should have something to offer for people for all ages and personalities, he adds. What it will certainly do, he adds, is lead to a “colourful and pleasant promenade.”
Facebook event page:
Check out our website to view all the artists portfolios.
If you want to participate sign up here:
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Newest threat to century-old Norfolk pine alarms residents
James Debono
Malta Today 20th May 2013

On Friday morning Sliema residents were alarmed after construction engines started removing soil in the close vicinity of a century-old, seven-storey Awrikarja (Norfolk pine) tree located in a garden in Manwel Dimech Street.
In the past few years the tree has survived two planning applications which envisioned its obliteration.
MaltaToday is informed that enforcement officers from the Malta Environment and Planning Authority rushed immediately to the site when notified by residents, who feared damage to the roots of the centenarian tree.
But according to a MEPA spokesperson "the works are in line" with a planning permit issued in 2010. MEPA said no damage to the Awrikarja tree was noted, but it will continue monitoring the works in the coming days.
The permit MEPA referred to did not envision any development in the garden where the tree is located.
In the past, following reports by MaltaToday, MEPA refused two applications which would have resulted in the destruction of the tree.
In the first application, dating back to 2007, the tree's existence was not reported in the case officer report. The oversight was corrected after MaltaToday noted it.
The development application was subsequently turned down.
In the second case, following an outcry by environmental groups, the garden development was limited, and the tree was saved.
In 2013, a fresh application was presented to carry out internal modifications and to add a parking space and a reservoir to the garden.
The initial plans presented to MEPA proposed that the Norfolk pine be uprooted and transplanted to the roof of the parking area, which would probably have resulted in the death of the tree.
Subsequently the plans changed again, and the tree was again spared the axe, as the parking space and reservoir are to be confined to a separate section of the garden. But residents who spoke to MaltaToday expressed concern on Friday that excavations close to the tree would jeopardize its survival.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Will other parking schemes be suspended?
So the Government has decided to suspend the timed parking scheme in Sliema. This scheme was fully compliant with legislation and was no different from parking schemes in other localities.
The scheme has been discussed within the Sliema Local Council, also including public meetings, since 2003 and has long been approved by the Authorities. Councillors from all three parties unanimously agreed on the scheme. Being in 4 local councils since 2003, I can vouch for this.
Following Government's quick decision to suspend the scheme, the inevitable comes to mind. Will schemes in other localities be suspended, too? Are some localities more equal than others?
The fact that public transport has been the cinderella of social policy for so long does not help things.
The scheme has been discussed within the Sliema Local Council, also including public meetings, since 2003 and has long been approved by the Authorities. Councillors from all three parties unanimously agreed on the scheme. Being in 4 local councils since 2003, I can vouch for this.
Following Government's quick decision to suspend the scheme, the inevitable comes to mind. Will schemes in other localities be suspended, too? Are some localities more equal than others?
The fact that public transport has been the cinderella of social policy for so long does not help things.
Prime Minister stops Sliema residential parking zone
"The parking scheme in Sliema was no different from other localities" Michael Briguglio.
From Malta Today
7th May 2013
The Office of the Prime Minister has intervened to suspend the Sliema local council's residential parking zone, which only started in recent weeks.
The suspension followed the industrial action ordered by the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) which ordered teachers working in Sliema to report for work an hour late. This morning the union said that the action was "successful," with the Forum Unions Maltin backing the action ordered by MUT.
In a statement, the OPM said it was suspending the residential parking system with immediate effect, claiming it was "introduced unilaterally without a trial period" and that it was causing problems for commuters.
The OPM said transport minister Joe Mizzi and local councils parliamentary secretary José Herrera will be meeting the Sliema local council and other business organisations to discuss the matter.
"A comprehensive plan for various parking areas across the island is in the offing as part of government's work to facilitate traffic and transport issues, to aid residents and the commercial community in various towns," the government said.
Speaking to MaltaToday, Alternattiva Demokratika's councillor, Michael Briguglio said that the parking scheme in Sliema was no different from other localities.
"The parking scheme in Sliema is not different to other schemes found in other localities, therefore if the government is consistent it should suspend the scheme in other localities too."
While admitting that he understands that the scheme could create problems for teachers and students, Briguglio said that the scheme was in line with other similar schemes found elsewhere.
Moreover, the experienced AD councillor said that the scheme had been approved years ago and was enforced recently.
"The scheme has been discussed by the council since 2003 and there has always been a cross-party agreement on the scheme, with councillors from all three parties unanimously agreeing on the scheme."
Through the scheme, half the parking bays in Sliema have become timed between 8am and 9pm and non-residents will not be able to occupy the same bay for more than two hours. Once the two hours were over, non-residents would have to move their car and would not be able to return to the same spot before another hour would have passed.
Maritime Day in Sliema - Sunday May 19th
Sliema Local Council will be participating in European Maritime Day on Sunday 19th May, between 9am and 1pm.
Exiles (Taormina area, under Peppi's):
Boat ride for kids
Fishing competition
Old boats display
Exiles & Qui-si-sana:
Underwater clean-up
All qualified divers are invited to participate.
Tanks and weights - free of charge
Drinks and refreshments provided
Balluta to Fond Ghadir:
Beach clean-up
Everyone is invited to participate
Garbage pickers, globes and bags provided.
Facebook event page:

Exiles (Taormina area, under Peppi's):
Boat ride for kids
Fishing competition
Old boats display
Exiles & Qui-si-sana:
Underwater clean-up
All qualified divers are invited to participate.
Tanks and weights - free of charge
Drinks and refreshments provided
Balluta to Fond Ghadir:
Beach clean-up
Everyone is invited to participate
Garbage pickers, globes and bags provided.
Facebook event page:

Monday, May 6, 2013
Sliema Street Art Festival

This summer, Add more colors together with Sliema local council will host "Sliema street art festival", on Malta. The festival will take place on the 28-30 of June, but all art remain up for the whole summer.
The whole promenade from Preluna to Balluta bay will be transformed into an artpiece, with everything from traditional graffiti to stencil art and installations aswell as food, drinks, music and entertainment.
Already, the lineup is crazy good
David Walker, England
Steve Locatelli, Belgium
Sofles, Australia
Mr Dheo, Portugal
Shaka, France
Tank, Germany
Smates, Belgium
Kayo Natez, Germany
Brohemia, Sweden
Check out the website and the amazing artworks of the painters!
If you want to participate as an artist, musician or entertainer. Sign up here!
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Alexia Mifsud
Jean Marc Galea
Christoffer Tykö
Peter Brobeck
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Sliema as a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly locality
Yesterday Sliema Local Council had a very positive meeting with the Bicycling Advocacy Group on setting an agenda to improve Sliema's status as a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly locality through sustainable transport policies. Various proposals were put forward, and these will be considered by the Sliema Local Council in addition to measures already being taken by the Council.
Those interested in putting forward proposals in this regard are welcome to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
More information on the Bicycling Advocacy Group can be obtained here:
Those interested in putting forward proposals in this regard are welcome to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
More information on the Bicycling Advocacy Group can be obtained here:
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Maritime Day in Sliema
On Sunday 19th May, Sliema Local Council will be participating in the European Maritime Day.
The Sliema Local Council will be announcing its programme in the coming days.
In the meantime, if anyone is interested in joining the Maritime Subcommittee of the Sliema Local Council, one can contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
Michael Briguglio
Local Councillor

The Sliema Local Council will be announcing its programme in the coming days.
In the meantime, if anyone is interested in joining the Maritime Subcommittee of the Sliema Local Council, one can contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
Michael Briguglio
Local Councillor

Education Subcommittee
The Sliema Local Council Education Subcommittee is being set up. The subcommittee is responsible for these main areas:
Lifelong learning
Education courses
Relations with schools in Sliema
Consultation with education stakeholders.
Those interested in forming part of this Subcommittee are kindly asked to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
Michael Briguglio
Local Councillor
Feel free to forward this notice to interested persons
Lifelong learning
Education courses
Relations with schools in Sliema
Consultation with education stakeholders.
Those interested in forming part of this Subcommittee are kindly asked to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com
Michael Briguglio
Local Councillor
Feel free to forward this notice to interested persons
Friday, April 19, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
My responsibilities in Sliema Local Council 2013-7
In the first official meeting of the Sliema Local Council (2013-7), I was assigned the following responsibilities: Maritime Affairs, Education; Disability Issues. I chair the Education Committee and I form part of the Finance, Public Offers and EU committees.
I invite those interested in being active in Maritime Affairs, Disability Issues and Education to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com .
I invite those interested in being active in Maritime Affairs, Disability Issues and Education to contact me at mbrig@hotmail.com .
Monday, April 8, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Local Council elections - Briguglio gets record Sliema AD votes
AD's candidates for St Venera and M'Scala, Philip Cachia and Reuben Zammit, got 123 and 251 first count votes respectively, whilst Michael Briguglio got 727 first count votes in Sliema. Briguglio got the highest number of Green votes ever in Sliema local elections, and increased his first-count votes by 242 over the last local council election.
Michael Briguglio, who has been elected for the 4th time in Sliema Local Council said: "I thank Sliema residents for their support, and I also thank the outgoing local council for its positive work last year. I would also like to thank AD candidates Philip Cachia and Reuben Zammit for standing up to be counted on behalf of AD".
Michael Briguglio, who has been elected for the 4th time in Sliema Local Council said: "I thank Sliema residents for their support, and I also thank the outgoing local council for its positive work last year. I would also like to thank AD candidates Philip Cachia and Reuben Zammit for standing up to be counted on behalf of AD".
Monday, February 11, 2013
Sliema Ferries Roadworks are a rushed exercise in bad planning
It is worrying that Transport Malta has admitted that the roadworks at Sliema Ferries are not attempting to solve the seawater flooding problem in the area. Saying that this issue is being dealt with in the upcoming underground carpark project is not an adequate reply. Transport Malta should also give clear details as to which current roadworks are going to be removed and done yet again once the underground carpark project commences. As a local councillor I am disappointed that Transport Malta is not communicating and consulting in a proper way.
The rushed works being carried out by Transport Malta at Sliema Ferries are causing a nightmare to pedestrians. Crossing the road is very dangerous, signs are lacking, trees have been removed, and there are no signs of bicycle lanes. As Sliema Local Councillor I am particularly concerned for persons with disability, parents with pushchairs, children, the elderly and cyclists.
Sliema requires holistic planning, something which apparently neither MEPA nor Transport Malta are capable of carrying out.
Michael Briguglio
Chairperson, Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party
Sliema Local Councillor, AD
The rushed works being carried out by Transport Malta at Sliema Ferries are causing a nightmare to pedestrians. Crossing the road is very dangerous, signs are lacking, trees have been removed, and there are no signs of bicycle lanes. As Sliema Local Councillor I am particularly concerned for persons with disability, parents with pushchairs, children, the elderly and cyclists.
Sliema requires holistic planning, something which apparently neither MEPA nor Transport Malta are capable of carrying out.
Michael Briguglio
Chairperson, Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party
Sliema Local Councillor, AD
Monday, February 4, 2013
Carnival in Sliema
This Saturday, 9th February from 1:30pm to 5pm, Sliema Local Council will be hosting the Karnival F'Tas-Sliema event at Ghar id-Dud opposite the Preluna Hotel.
Event page link:
Event page link:
Monday, January 28, 2013
Works by Transport Malta exclude cyclists & cause inconvenience
Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party said that the works being carried out by Transport Malta in Sliema are causing great inconvenience to residents and will also exclude cyclists.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and Sliema Local Councillor, said:
"The rushed works being carried out by Transport Malta at Sliema Ferries are causing a nightmare to pedestrians. Crossing the road is very dangerous, signs are lacking, trees have been removed, and there are no signs of bicycle lanes. As Sliema Local Councillor I am
particularly concerned for persons with disability, parents with pushchairs, children, the elderly and cyclists".
"It seems to be the case that no cycle lanes are being designed to facilitate a safer passageway for cyclists in the Sliema Ferries area. Although the bus lane available on one side of the road could possibly be used by cyclists, it is obvious that this is still not the safest alternative for cyclists, while there is no available option for cyclist on the opposite side of the road. When consulting with the local Bicycle Advocacy Group (BAG) - a non political NGO that advocates for the safer roads for cyclists in Malta, Mr. Craig
Wightman from BAG said that; "If cycle lanes are not present or are not possible, then the most logical addition from a cycling infrastructure point of view is to use Sharrows".
Sharrows are clear markings that create more awareness about cyclists actually on the
road in the form of bicycle pictograms and arrows indicating that the carriageway should be shared. In addition new parking places such as those opposite the Forestalls store (front to kerb parking) are missing a ‘safety zone’ road marking. A Safety zone is a gap between two white dashed lines. This keeps parked vehicles away from the traffic/manoeuvring areas and allows doors to be opened without endangering traffic or cyclists. This particular road was resurfaced and safety zones were not marked although similar markings exist on
other roads.
"Many cities in Europe have adopted cycling lanes in order to decrease the amount of polluting traffic whilst encouraging the safe use of bicycles for commuting". The introduction of cycle lanes in the Sliema area would be idea for cyclists who use these spaces to commute or simply for leisure purposes, and would complement the introduction of cycle racks by Sliema Local Council. The lack of importance given to this kind of infrastructure identifies the government's lack of insight into such alternative, unpolluting whilst efficient means of commuting.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and Sliema Local Councillor, said:
"The rushed works being carried out by Transport Malta at Sliema Ferries are causing a nightmare to pedestrians. Crossing the road is very dangerous, signs are lacking, trees have been removed, and there are no signs of bicycle lanes. As Sliema Local Councillor I am
particularly concerned for persons with disability, parents with pushchairs, children, the elderly and cyclists".
"It seems to be the case that no cycle lanes are being designed to facilitate a safer passageway for cyclists in the Sliema Ferries area. Although the bus lane available on one side of the road could possibly be used by cyclists, it is obvious that this is still not the safest alternative for cyclists, while there is no available option for cyclist on the opposite side of the road. When consulting with the local Bicycle Advocacy Group (BAG) - a non political NGO that advocates for the safer roads for cyclists in Malta, Mr. Craig
Wightman from BAG said that; "If cycle lanes are not present or are not possible, then the most logical addition from a cycling infrastructure point of view is to use Sharrows".
Sharrows are clear markings that create more awareness about cyclists actually on the
road in the form of bicycle pictograms and arrows indicating that the carriageway should be shared. In addition new parking places such as those opposite the Forestalls store (front to kerb parking) are missing a ‘safety zone’ road marking. A Safety zone is a gap between two white dashed lines. This keeps parked vehicles away from the traffic/manoeuvring areas and allows doors to be opened without endangering traffic or cyclists. This particular road was resurfaced and safety zones were not marked although similar markings exist on
other roads.
"Many cities in Europe have adopted cycling lanes in order to decrease the amount of polluting traffic whilst encouraging the safe use of bicycles for commuting". The introduction of cycle lanes in the Sliema area would be idea for cyclists who use these spaces to commute or simply for leisure purposes, and would complement the introduction of cycle racks by Sliema Local Council. The lack of importance given to this kind of infrastructure identifies the government's lack of insight into such alternative, unpolluting whilst efficient means of commuting.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Sliema Local Elections
It was a pleasure working with all other Sliema councillors and staff this past year. The Sliema Local Council inherited a precarious situation and is taking correct decisions on various issues. In various aspects, things have already improved in our beloved locality. In view of financial, administrative and legal procedures, the results of other decisions are likely to be experienced when the new council is elected. Best wishes to fellow councillors who, like me, will be contesting the Sliema Local election.
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